The so-called #green industry is not always so green! It is widely known that many birds and other native desert animals are being harmed by #solar and #wind #energy. Batteries that make electric cars go are highly toxic, in fact, way more toxic to mine nickel (the metal that makes most car batteries) than the life of a regular combustion engine!
The Strange Disappearance of Walter Tortoise is a children's picture book with actual photography of the pristine vibrant living desert of the Mojave area, with drawings of the native animals placed within the landscapes.
In the "voices" of these animal characters comes the discussion of a looming problem. What will happen to us and our habitat? Where has our friend Walter been taken? How can we get help to #save our desert?
This book is educational, fun, scientific and asks good questions. Solar is good but why not on already distressed land or rooftops?
Added practical application of ways to save energy for the family to adopt.
Available in paperback and ebook formats wherever books are sold online and Apple iBooks
Also visit www.TheEarthwormBook.com for more information